What We Offer
We offer a variety of musical options so that every show is just right. We'll write your songs so that they're not only about your life, but also written in a way that members of your family can perform them, and sound good singing them!
The Party Package
We'll create a script for your party based on a theme of your choosing. The performance will be interactive with party members and have everyone singing before you know it! Whether it's your anniversary or a holiday you enjoy, liven it up with an original song as well as old favorites.
The Family Reunion Package
We’ll come to your family re-union and interview family members and help you create a show in one weekend. The amount of time you spend on it is up to you and we will create songs, skits and use popular material as well to celebrate your family.
Coming of Age on Stage
A great opportunity for parents who want to create a special event for their son or daughter who are coming of age. The family helps to mold the show into a celebration based on their background and beliefs. Five original songs and a 45 minute event is planned with family participants.
The Broadway Package
We'll create a script with five original songs that members of your family will perform along with us and a professional band. We'll send you the song lyrics and mp3's of the songs prior to the event so that your family members can learn the songs before we arrive for the rehearsals. We'll carefully plan the rehearsals so your family members and friends can practice singing live with us and with the band.
We are based in the metropolitan Boston area and for musicals within 50 miles of downtown Boston there is no additional travel charge. However for musicals outside this area we'll add to the fee our cost of travel and accomodations.